Love these Latte cups, but not for drinking out of! For something that says Spring!
I bought two of these cups, with the intension of putting some Paperwhite bulbs in them to bloom inside the house...I went to a local nursery store and asked if they had any bulbs. The woman working there looked at me like I was crazy...she said "no we don' should have bought them in September" me ~ "back in September I didn't know I would want them in February...I'll just hop in my time machine and go back to September"...crabby-nursery lady walked away!
So, I did the next best thing I could do, I put some faux Lily-of-the-Valley in them.
I couldn't find any faux Papperwhites, I think I like these better! If only they smelled like the real ones...soon these will be popping up! *Lily-of-the-Latte*
Note to Self in September 2010: buy some Papperwhite bulbs and not from that nursery with the crabby lady!
Hey Marcy, this is really cute. Yeah, my lily of the valley plants actually have some buds on them today, can't wait till they are in full bloom. I too loved these mugs, but I bought two of the cappuccino mugs and love drinking out of them, but who knows after seeing the flowers "growing" a latte I may have to try to put some of my live lily of the valley flowers in them :) Thanks for a great spring idea!