We all have fallen for images from The Graphics Fairy
adhered to a white painted pot...haven't we!
I hear you nodding yes!
Well I made some too, just a different way~
These two that I did are from Hobby Lobby, they were Terra cotta pots;
painted them white and then used a another way to affix the images!
I used Omni-Gel instead of the Mod Podge versions.
I have to admit, I tried this a long time ago with no success transferring an image,
then I re-read the instructions...and saw "laser copies"
thats where I went wrong...
trying to use the home injet copies.
It's easy and no need to reverse the images either. Just brush on
your laser copy image (read the instructions) and when it's dry,
soak in water and rub the paper off.
It comes out like a plastic sheet, trim it and you
can use Omni-Gel to adhere the image to your
object. You can find this in all the craft stores!
Just a different way!
Joining these link parties~